Well, maybe not roses proper, but everything sure is blooming!
The lilacs have come and gone, but the were as resplendent as ever this year. They are breathtakingly gorgeous and smell delicious. My photos do not do them justice……..must work on that. There’s an entire row of them that runs across the length of the front of our property. They very nicely shield us from the busy street.
Gertrude’s irises have begun to bloom as well. There’s all different varieties. They are all beautiful.
George’s favorite is the White Siberian Iris. It’s very small and delicate.
The clematis is climbing up the north side of the house…..
My geraniums are the most brilliant color of hot fuschia pink I have ever seen! Okay, this particular one could use a little deadheading…….
The dogwoods have already reached their peak and passed it, but they were lovely, too.
The birds seem to have brought us a few, um, presents this year, too. A new poppy appeared this year where there was none before……..
And a lovely foxglove has also sprouted for the first time….
Cleo totally photobombed this picture. She’s running with one of her favorite toys here.
Even the okra is starting to bloom!
One of the most breathtaking sights around here these days, though, is the rhododendrons. Someone, at some point long ago, did a beautiful job of planting these delightful bushes. They are big enough now to be pruned as trees, but really shouldn’t be. In the blizzard of 2013, several of the ones that had been pruned to look like trees split into pieces, due to the lack of support underneath and the weight of all the snow. They seem to have recuperated okay, but we are trying to let them grow back as the bushes they are intended to be. Little Cleo seems to get herself into a lot of my pictures…. 🙂
They come in all shades of pink………
I love the view from the butler’s pantry window…..
The bees seem to love the blooms, too.
I wish this time of year could last forever. As I’ve said many times before, Spring is my favorite season, but as summer has actually just begun, I’m happy to move forward. There are fun things to do in the summer in New England. But I’m sure I’ll be missing the Spring and all it’s charming attributes. So for now, all is well on Isaac Brown’s Farm.